Released less than ten years ago in 2007, the Millenium Falcon (10179) quickly became the crowning jewel of any Lego fan’s collection. At an imposing 5174 parts, this Ultimate Collector’s Series set wasRead More…
Manhattan apartment features staircase lined with 20,000 Lego bricks
Airplane Making Has Never Been So Simple!
This beautifully constructed model uses gears, rods, wheels, and all kinds of Lego Techinc parts to create a fantastically complicated machine whose sole function is the creation of working paper aeroplanes. AlthoughRead More…
7th February 2016 – LEGO News:
In breaking Lego news this week… 1. Birds From Bricks Thomas Poulsom has announced the release date for his upcoming book Birds From Bricks. This follows on in some ways from Lego’sRead More…
3rd February 2016 – LEGO NEWS
G’day and welcome to Brick Yourself’s first official Lego news and update post. 2016 promises to be a year full of opportunities and growth for the business and the Brick Yourself community.Read More…