G’day and welcome to Brick Yourself’s first official Lego news and update post. 2016 promises to be a year full of opportunities and growth for the business and the Brick Yourself community. We’re very excited to explore what’s ahead in 2016 and make the most of this amazing opportunity to “Brick the world” one brick at a time. But first, what’s happening today in the world of Lego®!
Lego® News:
The Minifigure Wheelchair.
Making news this week is the release of a Lego ® minifigure wheelchair. This is fantastic for a number of reasons, firstly because it affords even more opportunity to make people as Lego® figures, but more importantly it demonstrates an important step by a toy maker to paint people with disabilities in a positive light.
The Lego® brand has always concerned itself with impacting children in a positive way, and this move is big step in the right direction. It is important that children view someone with a disability as just another human being. Having worked for a number of years in the field of disabilities it never ceased to amaze me how close minded some members of the community were when it came to viewing and interacting with people with a disability.
Fear I guess plays a major role in this and to a large degree this fear is generated by a lack of empathy and understanding. Educating kids at a young age and exposing them to these issues in a positive light helps to undercut stereotypes and stigmas which have held us in the dark ages where some of these issues are concerned. The Lego® minifigure in the wheelchair becomes another part of the Lego® community of people of all walks of life and this of course leaves a positive residue that children pick up on. It might not have a significantly world-changing impact, but it’s definitely a step in the right direction. There can be no understating how importantly the views of today’s children will affect the world of tomorrow. Congratulations Lego®!
The full article can be found here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/01/30/genuine-tears-of-joy-lego-to-release-its-first-ever-figurine-in-a-wheelchair/
2. More Lego® Designers Required.
That’s right, you’re not hallucinating, the dream job of a lifetime is on your doorstep right now and there are 20, count them 20! of these positions available.
Merlin Entertainment, the company that runs the Legoland Parks has 50 builders for a creative centre in Florida that will be in charge of producing models and designs for other theme parks around the world. They are looking for 20 more designers to add to their personnel who will be in charge of creating mini-land attractions within the Legoland and Legoland Discovery Centre Parks.
The actual job description reads:
This individual builds LEGO models in our off-site Model Shop- MMM Studios. Must have LEGO building experience and be able to design and build sturdy, accurate, complicated, safe and installable LEGO models for a wide variety of LEGOLAND attractions including miniature scale models and/or life sized organic models from prototypes, diagrams or computer generated instructions. This position requires strong communication during design and building of models, good organization during the completion and documentation phases of the projects and a willingness to complete all tasks necessary to creating and installing models and displays.
Requires previous experience in LEGO model building, (architectural and/or sculptural), basic computer knowledge, a good knowledge of LEGO parts, good communication skills, ability to give and receive constructive criticism, ability to work in a team and a positive attitude. Strong focus, concentration, good craftsmanship, patience and a sense of humor are a must. Artistic education, background, or experience helpful but not required.
For those who are seriously interested here is a link to one of the positions:
Lego Designer Job
For more information on the stories you can visit:
For Pictures:
3. Star Wars the Force Awakens Video Game Release Date Announced:
28 June 2016 is the official release date of the new Star Wars Lego game: It promises to be even better than previously release Lego computer games Star Wars or otherwise, introducing new gameplay to build, battle and fly your way through the galaxy like never before, or so the game trailer claims anyway. Interestingly the game explores links between Return of the Jedi and the Force Awakens that were not able to be completely explicated in the new movie.
Find the full review and gameplay trailer here:
Well that’s all from us on the Lego® news scene for this week. Keep an eye out for more updates regarding our products and soon to be released articles on everything from the story of the business, to Lego® design, to tips and strategies to investing in Lego®.
Product updates are also coming soon as well as very exciting news regarding our next interactive Brick Yourself event, which will be held in the next few upcoming weeks. For now have a great week and go Brick Yourself!