Brick Yourself figures are caricatures of people only using genuine LEGO® pieces. They make for fun, artistic and heart-felt  gifts, creating figures that both look and feel like the person being represented.

At its heart, Brick Yourself is about gift giving. Whether the gift is for yourself or someone else, you can be assured it’s bound to be something special. Brick Yourself offers you a unique opportunity to really give someone the perfect gift, the gift of themselves as a LEGO figure.



Custom Lego Minifigures Brick Yourself


You design your figure by providing information (and possibly a photo) about the person you would like made as a LEGO figure.

We then make versions of the figure according to the person’s hobbies, personality and physical features and you receive the figure with a display case when both you (and hopefully the artist) are happy with the design.

Brick Yourself’s unique and personalised gifts are creative and artistic, allowing you to exhibit fondness for someone in a cute and thoughtful way, while giving them something they can keep forever. Brick Yourself gifts can be funny but also heartfelt in many ways.